Page 54 - Math SL HB Sem 3
P. 54

Normal Distribution

                            - a symmetrical continuous probability  distribution

        lf you  measure a continuous quantity, like the height of a person, of a large population, it is likely
        that the maiority  of people  are around  the mean  and fewer will be very tall or very short. The probability
        distribution  of such  a case looks  like:

                                          f      ------->   Frequency

                                                                            Rondom varioble
                                                                            e.g. height

                                           p --------> mean

       This type of continuous  probability  distribution  is called the normal distribution.  We may express a
       random  variable  X that is normally distributed as:
                                                                             '-'can  be read as'(X)  is
                                               X-N (p,o2)                    distributed  as'

       where lr  the mean of the distribution
               o  the standard deviation  of the distribution
               az  = the variance of the distribution

         Characteristics of a normal distribution:

       1) Bell-shaped

       2) Symmetric  about  the mean

       3) Mean  =  median  =  mode



                                                 tt-zo      p-o       tt  tt+o       lt+?o                   I i

   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59