Page 3 - Managing Manhood
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adjustments, it must be done in light of our original nature. All living organisms
can trace their nature back to the original source that they were made from.
Science is the study of living things and understanding how they function. The
critical beginning for every science exploration is where and how a life form came
into existence. To understand how man should function it is necessary to find
and then to understand his beginning.
We begin our exploration by reviewing the “Genesis principle”, the bible’s
definition for the beginning of first things. The Genesis principle of “life forms
reproducing after their own kind” begins in Genesis 1:11. The bible teaches that
grass, vegetation and trees were all brought forth from the earth. Their basic
nature and character structure were determined by the same elements found
inside the earth. The earth therefore reproduced grass, vegetation and trees
after its likeness.
The foundation elements of what is in the earth are also inside all plant life every
blade of grass, and every tree.
The earth’s soil becomes their subsistence.
If you want to feed a tree you must water the ground that the tree comes from.
All life that comes from the earth is maintained by the source it originated from.
In Genesis 1:14, God says “let there be lights in the firmament.” The lights that
were made here are described in verse 16, the Sun which rules the day and the
Moon which rules the night and the stars. What is light’s origin? Light came from
the firmament, the visible gaseous expanse above the earth. The com-position
of the sun, moon and stars is gaseous, water and energy identical to the trace
elements we would find in the firmament above the earth. The existence of these
solar entities is relational to the stratosphere around them. Changes within their
environment affects their stability. Again the emphasis is on the dependence the
sun, moon and stars have on the source element which they came from, outside
of which they cannot function properly.
According to Genesis the existence of fish and fowl began in the water. Although
evolution of some birds has made them land creatures today, their original nature
cor-responds to the ancestors of the reptile species that once lived off land and
water. Many birds use water for food and nest-building material because of their
ancestral origin.
Cattle, beast and land mammals all come from the earth (Genesis 1:24). Their
life system is supported by what the earth produces. The habitats of land
animals are made from the natural resources within the earth and they feed off
each other or the vegetation produced from the earth. When land creatures die,
they return to the dust of the earth because that is where they came from.
These verses help us establish that all life forms have a point of origination. To
evaluate the character or nature of something you must qualify its point of origin.
The point of origin tell us how life forms should function.
To know how a man should live it is necessary to determine his point of origin.
There are two terms Genesis uses in describing how man came into existence.
In Genesis 1:26 we read, “And God said let us make man in our image...”