Page 4 - Managing Manhood
P. 4

In the next verse it says “So God created  man in His own image...”  The words
                   make and
                   create are not synonymous. So we must understand the two stages of man’s
                   When God spoke of “making” man he used the Hebrew word “Asaw”  which
                   means to bring forth or to advance. To “make”   you take something that already
                   has one form and advance it into a higher form.  For example, an automotive
                   manufacturer takes raw metals, plastics and other base materials, and gives
                   them a different form by assembling the parts together to build a passenger car,
                   the manufacturer has brought those raw materials into a advanced form of
                   existence.  God took the earth’s raw material and advanced the earth’s dust into
                   the anatomy of a man made of a clay (Genesis 2:7).
                   Man’s second stage of beginning comes from the word “Bara” which is Hebrew
                   for create, it means “to cut, select or hewn out.”  After the clay-man was formed,
                   God selected a part of Himself and carved out of His own nature and substance-
                   a “God-man” and breathed the “God-man” into the clay vessel and man became
                   a living soul.  So the “Clay-man” became a residence for the “God-man” and it is
                   the “God-man” that bears resemblance to God’s nature.
                   The Psalmist, David asked, “What is man that thou art mindful of him?”  To
                   answer we must understand, “What God is.”  John 4:24 says, “God is a Spirit...”
                   If the essence of God is Spirit, then the essence and nature of the “God-man” is
                   Spirit because that’s where he came from!  So when a man dies, he yields his
                   remains back to two origins; Ecclesiastes. 12:7, “Then shall the dust return to the
                   earth as it was : and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”

                                                       Chapter Two
                                             What you Sow is What you Reap
                                         ... whatsoever a Man soweth, that shall
                                                       he also reap..
                                                       Galatians 6:7

                   Men by nature are sowers. They are seed carriers with the ability to deposit what
                   is in them wherever they go.  A woman cannot give birth to something she does
                   not first receive a seed for.  She is by nature a receptacle, and therefore
                   reproduces what is deposited into her.
                   God’s first instructions  to the man, Adam were to be fruitful and multiply.
                   (Genesis 1:28)  In this commission we find God’s eternal plan to replicate His
                   likeness throughout all the earth.  God would father a world family by using one
                   man charged to populate the earth with the God that was in him.  Therefore what
                   was in God would be in every man and what was in man would be in every family
                   and the world community would be a result of what was in every family.
                   What man sows the world reaps.  When Eve sinned there was no change in the
                   ebb and flow of life.  She could not reproduce or multiply her sin because there
                   was no seed in her.  Adam’s sin however, affected the lives of every future
                   generation because in him was the seed of all humanity.  The first commission of
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