Page 15 - Longyard - Information Memorandum_Neat
P. 15
Proposed development area - Outline indicative only
The Syndicate acquisition is for 9Ha* of surplus The last townhouse has scope to be rented for
RESIDENTIAL SUB-DIVISION land adjoining the Golf Course and suitable for approximately $300 per week.
townhouses that are included in the sale, and The vendor has engaged town planners and
OPPORTUNITY straddles the 12th hole fairway. architects to provide concepts for different
designs and layouts on this land – these
The current aforementioned improvements concepts are able to be received upon request
comprise of 2 x 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom as a useful guide to the potential for the site.
townhouses and a 1 X 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom
townhouse. The build cost of the townhouses was Capital IQ have modelled the development using
$1.3 million in 2009. Two of the townhouses are a range of options with the presented
currently rented for a combined rental of $1100 assumptions being for a 71 lot seniors living
per week. gated development with a range of housing
types suitable for this site.