Page 19 - Longyard - Information Memorandum_Neat
P. 19


 This application form must not be handed on to another person unless attached to this Information Memorandum. For items (a) to (h) please refer to the guide.   Income distribution instructions
 Please use Block Letters   (g)      Please pay income by cheque to the address recorded in section (d) of this form
                Please pay income to the Australian bank, building society or credit union account detailed below:

           Name of Financial institution                         Type of account
 I / we apply for
 (a)     Number of Units              Amount payable        Branch (full address)
    X $1.00 =
            BSB Number                           number
                    Name (s) in which your account is held
 Full name of Applicants (legal entities only)
 (b)   Applicant 1    Title   Surname or company name (incl   First name   DOB
         Privacy Statement
   Joint   Title   Surname or company name (incl   First name   DOB      (h)   The information collected by the Trustee from this Application Form is necessary to process your application, administer your investment,
 Applicant 2    ACN)   comply with relevant taxation laws and communicate with you on an ongoing basis. We will give you access to personal information we
           hold on you on request. Our privacy policy is available from the Company free of charge, upon request. From time to time we may seek to
           ensure that the personal information we hold about you is complete and up-to-date. Information relating to you and your investment may
           be given to the Australian Taxation Office as required by law, from time to time, and may be given to the Company’s auditors, lawyers,
   Joint   Title   Surname or company name (incl   First name   DOB      registry and other service providers as required. By signing this Application form, the Applicant consents to the use and disclosure of
           personal information as set out in this Application Form.
 Applicant 3    ACN)
           Please tick this box if you do not wish to receive information about future syndicate from time to time.

 Postal address   (i)   Each Applicant declares that:
 (c)   Number and street           •   This application is completed according to the declaration/appropriate statements on the guide to this form;
                  I agree to be bound by the Constitution of the Syndicate;
               •   The return of the Application Form with a cheque for the Application Monies will constitute an Offer to subscribe for Units in
                  the Syndicate
   Suburb, city or town   State   Postcode      •   An Application cannot be withdrawn except by right under the Corporations Act or if the Trustee agree.

      Investor signatures
      (l)   Applicant 1 signature    Applicant 2 signature     Applicant 3 signature

 Tax file number or exemption codes
 (d)   Tax File Number (TFN)    Or ABN   Or Exemption Code

 Cheque details
 (e)   Drawer    Bank   Branch   Amount $        Refer to the Supplementary Material for instructions on how to complete plus the required wholesale investor

   Drawer   Bank   Branch   Amount $

 Contact details
 (f)   Contact name   Home tel   Work tel.   Mob tel.   Email address
    (    )   (    )    (    )
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