Page 40 - EAP Manual
P. 40

Non- Judgmental Stance (NJS)—Focus on the facts
 Remember: Facts are things that can be proven like—who, what, when, or where
 A judgment is an assessment, evaluation, or label of something. Examples of Judgments:
Good Bad Fair Unfair Right Wrong
 Ijudgebecauseit:
o is quicker & easier than describing the facts
o makes me feel better at times o groupsthingstogether
o compares
o keeps me safe!
 Who gets paid to judge?
o Judges, referees, teachers
o We want these people to judge using facts, right?!
 Judgments can be:
o subjective—meaning they’re based on what I want
o false
o made into assumptions—I cannot know what another person is actually thinking,
feeling, or why they are acting the way they are
 Myjudgmentscanbecomeproblemswhenthey: o get me into trouble
o hurt feelings & cause me to lose friendships
o cause me to have strong feelings—like anger, frustration, disappointment o becomefacts
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