Page 15 - July 2018 Traveler
P. 15

Pie Make options                                                     Mission Action collecting

                                                                                    school supplies

         There is someone who may oversee a 2018 Pie                              through September
         Make.  She is looking over material from the past
         events.  It was discussed that if LOMC is having a            The Trinity Lutheran Church Women’s
         Fall Festival Fundraiser perhaps they would like              Board decided to collect kid’s and

         our frozen pies.  After contacting Russ Senti Exec-           teacher’s supplies for Dakota and Du-
         utive Director, he wrote a lovely letter saying they          rand Schools.  Some of the following
         have a fall festival in October.                              items the teachers often purchase out of
                                                                       their own pocket so we are going to

         As soon as we know if there is a chair for Pie                help out a bit. We are also asking for
         Make, we may then ask for your help in advance                items that students need. Kleenex, hand
         to freeze rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries,                 sanitizer, Clorox sanitizing wipes, high-

         peaches, etc. Preparing these summer fruits help              lighters, post-it notes, pens/pencils, in-
         save money for other supplies that are needed.                dex cards, AAA batteries, colored pen-
         Please save your reusable aluminum pie plates                 cils, notebooks, 3-ring binders, 2-pocket
         and donate them to the Pie Make…purchasing                    folders and backpacks. ANY school
         these are also expensive and that would cut                   supplies will be accepted and wel-
         down on the spending for supplies.
                                                                       comed.  In reminder articles, the list

                                                                       may be extended.  The “cart” will be the
         Since the LOMC festival isn’t until October,  that
                                                                       collection area in the west hallway for
         gives more options on dates to hold a Pie Make.
                                                                       these needed supplies. These supplies
                                                                       will be going on sale soon, so that will
                                                                       help you get more for your money!

         Thrivent helps out again                                      It was noted that you can go to Durand
                                                                       website: for

                                                                       a list of supplies. The teachers are com-
         TLCW Board requested a Thrivent seed monies                   piling lists now for 2018-19 and they
         card for the Lenten Supper supplies. The Board                will be published in local newspapers.

         voted the remaining monies would go towards                   The same is true
         purchasing books that were asked for at the Na-               for Dakota.
         tional Youth Gathering In-Kind donation.  The
         remaining monies from the card was $158 so
         many great books were ordered.  Thanks to
         Thrivent and Trinity women this was possible.
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