Page 10 - March 2020 Traveler
P. 10


         Synod Assembly

         Men, please consider being Trinity’s male voting representative to Synod Assembly
         June 19  & 20  at Augustana College in Rock Island.  It’s an opportunity to under-
         stand the “operations” of the NI Synod, attend workshops of your choice, experience
         vibrant worship services with 100’s of people, and great food…all expenses paid by
         Trinity.  If you’d like your spouse to attend, you may register them as a guest.  Please
         see Shannon or Sharon for more information.


         If you would like the congregation to pray for someone, please let Shannon or Sha-
         ron know by Wednesday to be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin.  We will

         pray for the individual four Sundays unless notified by you to keep in prayer for a
         longer or shorter time.  We also have a prayer team that prays for private prayer re-
         quests that are kept confidential.

         Sharon’s Schedule

         Just a FYI, Sharon has been given permission by the council to not be present in
         worship on Sundays Pastor Roger Hurlbut leads worship.  This will give Sharon the
         flexibility to worship at other churches and to visit family out of town.

          Trinity Mission Men

                  The next meeting will be a breakfast on March 14, 9:30 here at church.

                                   Planning will be done for what to do in 2020.

                                The men will also wash some windows at church.

          There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board so cooks will know how much to make.

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