Page 12 - March 2020 Traveler
P. 12
Trinity's Youth Group will be meeting downstairs
at the church on Sunday, March 8th at 12:30pm.
This youth group is for 8th—12th grade.
We will be serving lunch.
Please come and join us!
Any questions, please call the church office ,or contact
Paula or Coltin Rau ,or Jenny McLean.
Northwest Conference Spring Assembly open to all women
The Spring Assembly will be held at First Lutheran Church at 303 S. Galena Ave in Freeport
on Saturday, March 28 from 9 to noon.
The program is “Doors Open Wide” by Maribel Harvey from the “Dow” House which
ministers to young girls and their babies in our community. Please send to Nancy Rice 11751
E. Greenvale Rd. Stockton IL 61085 the reservation form and fee of $10 to cover the brunch
and program by March 21. You may also call in reservation to Nancy at 815-275-0303 and
pay on March 28. It is a good time to start out 2020 with food and fellowship with our North-
west Conference friends. All women are welcome. The Spring Assembly flier is posted on
bulletin board.