Page 11 - March 2020 Traveler
P. 11
The garden team is busy making plans
for the garden for this year.
If you enjoy gardening, this is a great Trinity Lutheran Church is planning
ministry to get involved in. There are a to participate in the April in Durand
variety of activities that you can help with event on April 18, 2020 by spon-
(not just pulling weeds) and you do not soring a Fun Fair for children. April
need to know a lot about gardening to in Durand is a family friendly event
participate. The produce from the garden that gives area vendors and organ-
will be available through Community izations the opportunity to share
Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares again what they have to offer. It is held
this year. Purchasing a share means you at Durand School.
would receive a box of fresh produce every
week from 06/13/2020 through
This outreach will require a lot
The proceeds from this ministry are of volunteers, so please consider
split between ELCA World Hunger and being part of this fun event. Please
the Blessing Boxes in front of Trinity let Shannon Brown, Wendy Tunak,
Lutheran Church. Last year $1,000 was Melissa Lowery, or Jody Steinke
donated to each of these. know if you are interested in
helping out.
If you would like to know more about the
garden team, please contact the church of-
fice. More information on the CSA shares
will be available in next month's Traveler.