Page 17 - November 2019 Traveler
P. 17


            The office isn’t always open                                       There will be a

           every day.  All staff at Trinity                                 December/January
                     works part-time.                                      issue of the Traveler.

           If you need to see someone,                                  Articles are due Nov. 20 .
              please call before coming

                over.  Email received is
                   checked every day.

                                                                         Information from office...

                                                                Announcements for the bulletin are due by
                                                                Thursday at 10am.

                                                                Articles for the Traveler are due on the 20
           Watch for more information in the                    of  the month.  The articles are to be written

           bulletin and the next Traveler.                      by the person and/or team who wants the

                                                                item published.

           Plans are being made for an
           All Women’s Christmas Party in the                   Team reports for the monthly council
           evening on December 2nd.                             meetings are due the week before the

                                                                meeting by noon on Thursday.

           There is also planning being done
           for a Christmas Cookie/Candy Walk                    Mass emails that need to be sent to Trinity’s
           on December 14th.                                    members are to be done by the office.

                                                                If you want to use the church, you need
                                                                to check with the office to make sure

                                                                it’s available.

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