Page 13 - November 2019 Traveler
P. 13

Do you shop online?     Is it time for Christmas gift shopping?

         Direct some of that shopping toward helping Trinity.  Amazon has a program called,
         AmazonSmile.  By selecting that option when you shop Amazon the company will al-
         low you to choose a charity and will donate a portion of your purchase to that chari-

         ty.  Here are the steps to take to allow that to happen.  Every little bit helps Trinity!!

         How to use AmazonSmile to donate a portion of your purchase to Trinity.

         1.  Search for AmazonSmile on your browser’s search engine.

         2.   Click on the link to

         3.  Click on the “Go to AmazonSmile” link once the page opens.

         4.  Once open log in as you would normally for Amazon if you al-
             ready have an account. If not you will go to the new customer link.

         5.  The select a charity page will open.  Scroll down to the section labeled “…or pick

             your own charity”.

         6.  Type in Trinity Lutheran Church, Durand.  Click on “select”.  Now, shop as usual.

         7.  Each time in the future if you shop Amazon just be sure to log
             into  05% of each eligible purchase will then go to Trinity.

                Thank you to the Garden Team!
                                                                                  November Quilting

         Your hard work this past summer

         is greatly appreciated!                                          Quilters - because November 18
                                                                          is the week before Thanksgiving

                                                                          we should be able to quilt.  If you
         The CSA boxes were enjoyed by those who                          don't think you will be able to
         received them.                                                   attend, please let Mary Nuss
                                                                          know.  We are giving quilts to

           More team members                                              DEC for their Thanksgiving bas-
                                                                          kets.  They will be dedicated the
           are always welcome.                                            same day as the food basket do-

                                                                          nations - November

              Join the team for                                           17.  If we need
                                                                          more than we have
         next summer’s season.                                            ready on the 17th
                                                                          we will make them
                                                                          on the 18th.

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