Page 9 - November 2019 Traveler
P. 9


                                                                                Thank you to all who helped
                                                                                with the 175th anniver-
                                                                                sary.  Thanks to the Klosters
                                                                                and Wilkes for hosting the
                                                                                pastors.  A special thanks to
                                                                                Louise who did all the con-
                                                                                tacting/dealing with the for-
                                                                                mer pastors.  She got the
                                                                                information for the booklet
                                                                                that told of their ministries
                                                                                before/during/after being at
                                                                                Trinity. Thanks to Heidi and
                                                                                Lucy for the cakes.  All I
         heard was YUM!  People who moved furniture, set tables, decorated, and did all sorts
         of odd jobs are truly appreciated.  Eichman's did their usual fantastic job on the
         meal.  No one went hungry!

                                                                       We are making doughnuts
                                                                      on November 16.  The last couple
                                                                     times we have had lots of volunteers
                                                                          and have been done by 8:15
                                                                      a.m.   Sign up on the sheet on the
                                                                     bulletin board if you want to help roll
                                                                    dough, cut doughnuts, fry doughnuts,
                                                                        sugar doughnuts or put them in
                                                                        bags.  Many hands make quick
                                                                     work!  The sheet for ordering dough-
                                                                       nuts is also on the bulletin board.

        Thank you for attending Trinity's 175th anniversary!
        Pastor Richard Thickpenny who served Trinity from

        1973-1981, NIS Bishop Jeffrey Clements, and Pastor
        Tim Sersen who served Trinity from 1981-1987.

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