Page 7 - November 2019 Traveler
P. 7
It’s that time of year when we reflect
on what we’re thankful for…
family, friends, and our awesome God!
Here are some ideas for the kids to do:
Thanksgiving Tree
Needed: Medium clay pot, packing tape, plaster of Paris, mixing bowl, water,
small branch without leaves, marker, green construction paper, green ribbon,
scissors and hole punch,
Use packing tape to cover holes in the bottom of the pot. Mix water with plaster
of Paris according to directions. Fill pot ¾ full with plaster. Put branch in center
of plaster and let dry. Draw and cut 10-12 leaves out of the green construction
paper and punch hole on the end. Write on the leaves things you are thankful for
and tie on to the branches. Use as a decoration or centerpiece on the table.
Thankful Placemat
Needed: 12x18 sheet of construction paper, 9x12 contrasting sheet of construc-
tion paper, orange construction paper. Scissors, markers, tape/glue, markers.
Fold 12x18 paper in half, start at fold and mark off 1” strips stopping 1” from
the edge. Cut up the 1” lines. Cut strips of contrasting paper that are 1”x12”.
Open 12x18 and weave strips in and out. When done weaving tape the loose ends
at edge of placemat. Cut a pumpkin shape out of orange paper and apply glue to
back of pumpkin leaving the top open like a pocket. Add stickers and write words
of thanksgiving on the placemat. Use the pumpkin pocket for the silverware for
each guests spot at your Thanksgiving table.