Page 10 - November 2019 Traveler
P. 10

Trinity Action Gals, Touching All Generations.........

          On September 21, the ladies sponsored a bake sale. The total amount raised was
          $354.00! This money will go into our Improvement fund for the church.

          Our next outing will be to see a play at the Pec Playhouse on Dec. 8th. We have sold
          all 28 seats!!  Thanks to Marilyn Wiley for heading up this event!

         Trinity Mission Men

         Looking for men who are willing to help with this group.

         Are you interested in doing one month’s event?

         The group has been meeting in the odd months on the 2nd Saturday of the month.

         You can do what you want...cook breakfast at church, have group go to a restaurant for

         breakfast, go to a ball game, or to a brewery.  Those are just a few ideas.  Please let the office
         know if you want to organize one month or maybe more.

         Night Owls Book Club will meeting Monday, November 11, at the Real McCoy's

         at 5:30 pm.  The book is The Story of Arthur Truluv.  Regrets to Mary.

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