Page 14 - November 2019 Traveler
P. 14


         Reece Palmer,

         son of Dawn Hendon, brother to Collin Palmer and grandson of Jerry and Lucy Duerst

         I attend Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois. I am majoring in Dietetics
         (Nutrition) and I am in my senior year for my Bachelors Degree. I have always had a

         passion for anything and everything food related. That being said, I also love the feeling

         of helping other people out and with both things in my mind, the pursuit of an education
         in dietetics seemed like the perfect fit for me.

         As of now, I am not completely sure as to where I would like to work when I get out of

         school. I am interested in diabetic nutrition and may look into possibly working with dia-

         betics and I am also interested in working with dialysis patients. I will weigh out my op-
         tions and keep an open mind through the process.

         I currently work at the Meijer grocery store in Normal as well as volunteer Friday morn-

         ings for a school associated program that provides produce to people who order subscrip-

         tions. I have also done volunteer work at the Midwest Food Bank for the Hurricane re-
         lief and a local church's food pantry.

          I'm not very wise myself but all I would say is have
         an open mind into the whole confirmation route and
         take in as much information as possible because any
         kind of education is a priceless gift. The sense of unity

         to everyone in the church is what is most important to
         me from my days in conformation. Friendships and bonds

         made through the journey are things that stay with
         you for the rest of your life. My faith plays a role in my
         life by helping me through the tough times that I
         have. I am reminded that I am loved and that no

         matter what happens, everything will be alright. The
         church has really shaped me as a person and has re-
         minded me that it is ok to make mistakes and I have

         taken them as learning experiences.

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