Page 11 - October 2019 Traveler
P. 11

Trinity Action Gals,

                                                                       Touching All Generations.........

                                                                  On September 21, the ladies held  a
                                                                  bake sale at Durand Bank.

                                                                  Our next outing will be to see a play
                                                                  at the Pec Playhouse on Dec. 8th.
             Practice will start on October 6th at
                                                                  We added extra seats! Please see
            7:45am in sanctuary.  Choir will also                  Marilyn Wiley or call the office to see

                sing during worship that day.                     if any spots are left!

         Pastor Lyle Lutz will visit Trinity October 6 for worship and fellowship.

         During this 175  Anniversary year of Trinity Lutheran Church, we invited past
         pastors to join us.  Unfortunately not all pastors are able to attend worship and

         catered dinner on October 20. Pastor Lyle is able to come from his home in Min-
         nesota on Sunday, October 6, for worship and a special fellowship sponsored by
         the Anniversary Team. Pastor Lyle served Trinity from 1963 to 1966. In looking at Confirm-
         ands from those years, there are several still attending Trinity today such as Mary Nuss,
         Laura Zissler, Loretta Zissler Murawski, Mike Kinney, Karen Nuss Butler, Judy Johnson

         Kloster, Jerry Kloster, and Lauren Evenson.

         We hope you are able to come to worship on Sunday, October 6, to welcome Pastor Lyle and
         stay and visit with him during a special fellowship. In his emails to us, he is excited to come
         back to Trinity even if it for a few hours.

         Thank you Jerry and Judy Kloster for hosting Pastor Lyle in their home on Saturday evening.

                               Lutheran Marriage Encounter—Fall 2019

                                               November 8 - 10, 2019
                                              Baymont Inn, Rockford IL
                                       Apply now at

          Special 50% Discount off the regular application fee for 2019 events in celebra-
              tion of Worldwide Marriage Encounter's 50 Years of enriching marriages!

                 Questions?    Contact: Pastor John & Connie Heins @ 815-623-8323

                       Pre-registration and pre-payment are required – don't miss out!

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