Page 10 - October 2019 Traveler
P. 10

Confirmation Happenings
                                                                           Evangelism News

         Students have taken part in four sessions                            The Evangelism Team, with
         reviewing Luther’s Small Catechism on The                            creative help from Shannon
         Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer,                               Brown, Wendy Tunak, and our
         The Apostles Creed, and the Sacraments.                            youth, will take part in Durand’s

         During the session on The Lord’s Prayers,                             “Trunk or Treat,” Saturday,
         students crafted their version of the prayer.                         October 26 .  The annual
         We will use their prayer Confirmation                                parade begins at 10 a.m. on
         Sunday, October 27 .                                               the square (weather permitting)
                                                                                   and “Trunk or Treat”

                                                                                    follows at 11 a.m.
         The Lord’s Prayer
                                                                           Decorations and theme are
         Our Father who resides in heaven,                                 “works in progress;” guaranteed
                                                                           to be “unique” so stop down,
            honored in your name,
                                                                           join in the fun, and see what we
            your peace shall come,                                         create!!!

            your word come true,                                           Plans are being made to make

              here, as in all places.                                      Trinity’s Trunk  a Teal Pumpkin
                                                                           Project Stop.  That means we
         Fulfill today our daily needs.                                    will hand out non-food items so

         Forgive us our sins                                               that kids with allergies get a
                                                                           chance to enjoy Halloween.
            as we forgive those
                                                                           Everyone is welcome – come in
              who sin again us.                                            costume - bring kids, grandkids,

         Guide us away from temptation                                     and neighbors.  What a fun way
                                                                           to be a presence in our commu-
            and evil.                                                      nity sharing the love of Christ

         For the joy to come,                                              and letting our neighbors know
                                                                           of our ministries.  See you there!
            and your glory and triumph,

            forever and forever.  Amen

         Paraphrased by Noah Chatfield, Jeff
         McLean, Rachel Proctor, Kade Chatfield and
         Cameron Chatfield, Confirmation Students.

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