Page 5 - October 2019 Traveler
P. 5

All Saints’ is a day of remembering what Jesus Christ did for
         and through the lives of those who have gone before us.  You
         will have an opportunity to memorialize a loved one who has

         passed away with a white carnation on the altar.  $4.00 will cov-
         er the cost of a flower in a vase and if you wish to add more to
         that donation the extra money will go into the memorial fund.

         Trinity will be providing the flowers for those members from Trini-
         ty who have passed this past year.  These will be on display for
         All Saints’ Sunday and you may take them after the service.  Or-
         ders are due to the office by October 21st.

         Naming of the Names - A Celebration of All Saints’.
         Traditionally churches remember the names of those in the congregation who have

         died during the past year.  We will do this during the worship on All Saints’ Sunday,
         November 3rd at 9 AM.  We would like to invite you to publicly remember those who
         maybe have died more than a year ago or who were not members of this congrega-
         tion.  We will light a candle in remembrance of the life that Christ has given them and

         ring the bell once, also known as “the passing bell”.

         During October you will find forms for both at church.  You can fill out forms or contact
         the church with information.  Email is & phone is 248-2311.

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