Page 4 - October 2019 Traveler
P. 4

Jeremiah 29:11-12:  “For surely I know the plans
         I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your wel-
          fare and not for harm; to give you a future with
          hope.  Then when you call upon me and come
                   and pray to me, I will hear you.”

        Fall is here, summer vacations are over, and
        Trinity is “bursting with excitement and busy-
        ness.  Sunday School and pre-confirmation have
        begun and our confirmation class has been meeting.  I’ve heard about our kids’ enthu-
        siasm in singing “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart” and even an idea –
        soon-to-be-revealed - that our 5  and 6  graders have to engage with you, the con-
        gregation. Hummm…eager anticipation!!  Plans for an ecumenical youth group are
        moving forward…two adults will assist.  Thanks be to God!

        Our narthex was filled with laughter this past Tuesday as members and neighbors met
        for a fun afternoon of euchre and goodies.  Members joined together Wednesday af-
        ternoon for church fall clean up in anticipation of our annual Octoberfest!  Preparations
        are being made for pie making October 6   in support of LOMC and plans are being
        finalized for our 175  Anniversary Celebration October 20   with Bishop Clements and
        Affirmation of Baptism on October 27 .  The Evangelism team is hosting a fun com-
        munity activity October 26 .  Our garden ministry is winding down; however, did you
        know that Deacon Karin Grady was here taping our harvesting, prep work and distri-
        bution a few weeks ago?  Our CSA program will be featured throughout our NI Synod.
        How cool is that!

        God is in our midst…God has a plan for Trinity! (a quote shared by two council mem-
        bers.) We pray and we listen for God’s wisdom and guiding words for our congrega-
        tion and our Transition team.  We are the Body of Christ as we worship together, as
        we play together, as we work together and as we do ministry together.

        We offer so many ways to connect with one another and with our neighbors…consider
        ways you want to join in as fulfilling your baptismal call doing ‘God’s Work With Your
        Hands’ as we gather together November 3  to fill out our Time and Talent sheets.
        Think of God’s blessings and where we see God in our daily lives as we each prayer-
        fully turn in our “Estimates of Giving” cards October 6 .  God is working amongst us.
        Thanks be to our gracious God.

        Your friend in Christ,


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