Page 9 - October 2019 Traveler
P. 9


                                                      Taylor Clark

                        (daughter of David and Penny, granddaughter of Lyle and Vesta)

         How long have you been a member at Trinity? I have been a member since I was

         baptized at less than a month old.

         Share a favorite memory of your years at Trinity.  My favorite memory at Trinity was

         volunteering for vacation bible school. I love seeing the children’s love for God grow
         throughout the week.

         Favorite past time or hobby.  Line Dancing

         What is keeping you busy right now? At the moment, class projects and papers are
         keeping me busy along with the clubs I am involved with on campus.

         If you could change something at church or in the community, what would it be? If I
         could change one thing in the community it would be have a place for stray animals.

         Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In five years I see myself being happy with a
         successful job near home.

         Who has been the most influential in your faith walk?
         My grandpa and grandma both have influenced my walk

         with God. They taught me to put my faith in Him in
         the good and the bad times in life.

         If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be?
         What is the best part about being in Heaven?

         What in your life are you most grateful for?  I am most

         grateful for my family and friends. They are great

         support systems that I can go to for whatever I need.

         Anything you're currently looking forward to? I am
         currently looking forward to all the events my

         agricultural sorority has planned for the semester,
         and coming home on the weekends to visit my family.

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