Page 5 - Newsletter - September - 18 - Primary Morning Session
P. 5
20 SEPTEMBER- Dental Awareness Programme, Poem Recitation (Preliminary),
Exercise and Yoga
Grade 1- Dental Awareness Programme
On 20 September students benefited with a session on awareness on dental care. The class
teacher explained to the students the need of oral hygiene and the harmful effects of eating
junk food and chocolates on their teeth aided with videos. The doctor from school clinic also
joined them and explained the ways of protecting their teeth from decay. This created the
children to realise the importance of maintaining oral hygiene.
Grade 2- Poem Recitation (Preliminary)
English Recitation Competition (preliminary round) was conducted in the class room with
the theme “Nature/Seasons”. The students enthusiastically participated in the competition
as they got an opportunity to exhibit their talent and confidence.