Page 6 - Newsletter - September - 18 - Primary Morning Session
P. 6
Grade 3- Exercise and Yoga
An awareness session regarding the “Importance of Exercise and Yoga” was conducted with
the aim to help children to be self-disciplined, self-controlled and also leading to immense
amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of consciousness. Some students gave a
demonstration on exercise and yoga practices. Children were motivated and gained a deep
knowledge on yoga and its health benefits.
22 SEPTEMBER 2018: Recitation Competition (Preliminary Round), Spelling Bee.
Grade 1 & 3: Recitation Competition
A recitation competition was organized for the students of Grades 1 and 3. The theme for
Grade 1 was Rain or Mother and for Grade 3 it was Festivals. Students were free to select a
topic of their choice and the first round of recitation was conducted in their respective
classrooms. The selection was done on the basis of selection of the poem, rhythm, body
language etc. The aim was to infuse the students with appreciation, understanding, love and
usage of the English language in their daily life.