Page 7 - Newsletter - September - 18 - Primary Morning Session
P. 7

Grade 2: Spelling Bee

               A surprise Spell Bee Competition was held aimed at creating awareness of the possibilities
               of  using  varied  words  in  oral  and  written  expression  and  to  add  words  to  the  active
               vocabulary of students. It was a wonderful learning experience not only for the participants
               but  also  for  their  peers  and  served  to  enrich  the  vocabulary  bank  of  the  students.  The
               competition  helped  the  children  to  familiarize  with  the  spellings  and  usage  of  many

               unfamiliar words.

               27  SEPTEMBER 2018

               Grade 1- PICK AND TALK

               Pick and talk activity was conducted to develop their speaking skills. Few chits with simple
               topics written on it were folded and kept in a bowl. Each student picked a chit and on the
               spot spoke a few sentences on the topic. All the students enjoyed and were eagerly waiting

               for their turn.

               Grade 2- ADMADTAZ

               To make the students aware about the impact of advertisement and the language and
               techniques of advertising, a spot advertisement activity was organized. The products were
               given randomly and the students advertise on the given product with their own words and
               actions. It enables the students to analyze the format and structure of advertisement and
               become aware of their own reactions as consumers.
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