Page 76 - ادارة المكاتب السياحية 3 سياحة_Neat
P. 76
التقسيم الجغرافي لمنظمة ا ياتيا-٤
IATA Geography "Traffic Conference Area"
It is important to know that 71% of the earth is
composed of the water of oceans and just about 29% the
land. The earth's land is divided into seven major parts
called continents. IATA has divided the world in its Traffic
conference areas and further sub areas with some
exceptions to the general political geography, which is
particularly applied to various international air tariff
construction rules. Travellers may need to travel to a
different destination or to a set of destinations. They
contact a travel consultant in expectation of an expert
advice regarding the features of the destinations they like
to visit and the best way their travel plan is routed through.
Therefore, it is extremely essential for a travel consultant to
have substantial knowledge of world destination