Page 161 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 161

The Theory of Relativity


amiss (adj)   wrong, out of order.

              Would it be amiss for me to leave as soon as lunch is over? I have to catch a

forerunner (n.) something or someone that precedes

              When I see the first crocuses I know that winter is over; those little flowers
              are a forerunner of spring.

behalf (n.)   benefit or interest

              I won't get to the wedding, but will you congratulate the bride and groom on
              my behalf, please?

gist (n.)     the main points, core, substance of something

              I don't have all the details, but the gist of what happened is this. Ton and
              Laurie met on Saturday and became engaged on Tuesday; next Friday they're
              getting married.

complaisant (adj.) Obliging, desirous of pleasing

              Glen is probably the most complaisant member of the society; whatever the
              others want to do is always fine with Glen.

divulge (v.)  To reveal, make known

              Sergeant Black tried to force the thief to divulge the hiding place of the stolen
              money, but the man refused to talk.

cluster (v.)  {used with "around"} to form a close group; (n.) number of things of the
              same kind {such as grapes} that grow or are found together

              Every village, no matter how small, had a church, with a steeple rising high
              above the houses clustered around it.

stroll (v.)   to walk slowly, without hurrying {usually for pleasure, not going
              anywhere in particular}; (n.) a stroll-a walk for pleasure {see amble,
              Lesson 15}

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