Page 165 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 165

Power Positive Thinking

gloomy [adj.] pessimistic, sad; concerning weather, gray, as in a gray day

              Leila says that she has stopped reading the papers because the news is so
              gloomy these days.

foe [n.]      enemy

              Ned's violent temper, his worst foe, has cost him may friends.

livelihood [n.] means of support by which one makes money to live

              Acting provides a magnificent livelihood for Brent who not only loves to act
              but also supports his family very well with his profession.

moody [adj.]  temperamental, changeable in emotions [tending especially toward

              Jerome is a very moody person; you never know when you see him whether
              he's going to be happy or sad.

grim [adj.]   very unpleasant and forbidding

              The situation was indeed grim, and the captain did not try to conceal the fact
              from his men. "The enemy has us completely surrounded," he said.

dismay [n.]   dread, loss of courage in face of trouble; (v.) to fill with dread

              The news of the forest fire filled them with dismay, since their summer cottage
              was located near there.

beholden [adj.] under obligation for a favor done and owing gratitude

              We are beholden to Miss Grant for all she has done for our daughter; without
              he teacher's patience and encouragement, Angela would have failed her
              studies this year.

upbraid [v.]  to criticize severely 9usually for something one has done)

              The servant girl burst into tears when the lady of the house upbraided her for
              breaking an antique vase.

caress [v.]   to touch or hold in a loving manner; (n.) a loving touch

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