Page 167 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 167

2. Q:      Is Briggs able to support his family with his job?
       A:  [a living]
           What did Ed's wife do when he got home at 3 AM?
3. Q:      [criticize]
       A:  Ida doesn't have a very even disposition, does she?
4. Q:      Who was waiting for the soldiers when they entered the valley?
       A:  [enemy]
           What do you feel about Martha's chances of recovering?
5. Q:      [fear and discouragement]
       A:  How can Josie face the future after what has happened to her?
           [gather courage]
6. Q:      What did the little girl do with the kitten?
       A:  [touch livingly]
           What is Pauline's reaction to all the things Kate has done for her?
7. Q:      [gratefully obligated]
       A:   How did the employees' futures look when he factory closed?
            [very unpleasant]
8. Q:

9. Q:

10. Q:

   Written Exercise:

       Clara and Jane are completely opposite. Fill the blanks with words that describe the two.
1. Jane is a very optimistic person but Jane's sister Clara has a very ------------- outlook on life.
2. Jane has many friends; Clara looks at everyone as a potential ------------------ .
3. Jane has a good job and earns a lot of money; Clara's secretarial job provides a poor -----------

   -- for her.
4. Jane always praises the other employees in her office; Clara is always ----------- the people she

   works with.

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