Page 171 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 171

       Read the following dialogue aloud, substituting other words or phrases for the ones found

in parentheses.
A: Have you read Barton's latest novel? It's --------- (a sequel of his first, one).
B: No, I haven't read it. Only the reviews. The critics were unanimous in their -----------

A: Well, Barton is a fine writer. I once met Barton, you know. It was when I was a reporter.
B: Tell me about it.
A: I had some ----------- (misgivings) about interviewing Barton, but finally I decided to go ahead.

   The interview was for a special ------------ (issue) of the literary magazine.
B: Where did the interview take place?
A: In Barton's apartment, a ---------- (dingy) place. When I entered, Barton was -----------

   (slouched) over his desk, ------ (doodling).
B: What did he say?
A: At first nothing. He just sat there and didn't ------------ (budge). Finally, he ------------

   (drowsily) asked me to sit down.
B: Not very polite.
A: I don't think it was that. I felt that perhaps being interrupted that way he didn't know ----------

   --- (offhand) what to do or say. Anyway, the interview was a success.

       Rewrite the following sentences, using one of the new words in each.
1. The actors were pleased by the kind words of the critics.
2. This novel is a continuation of the first one that was also about the Mitchell family.
3. Bill told Rex, his dog, not to move, and Rex just sat there obediently.
4. Do you draw funny pictures when you talk on the telephone?
5. We were depressed by the Saxtons' dark, cheerless little house.
6. Mrs. Patterson sat bent over the sewing machine all afternoon.
7. He made the remark without previous thought.

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