Page 176 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 176

huffy      5. I can't understand why Melissa got so -------
              with me.
grievance  6. This town was --------------- in 1781.

           7. The little boy ate a ------------- of eight slices
              of toast five pieces of bacon for breakfast.

           8. I like to hear Professor Allenby speak; the
              professor's remarks are always--------------

           9. With that superior attitude of his, Gleason
              will never make a good manager, he gets too

           10. Can you ----------------- whether that's an
              airplane or a bird in the sky?

1. What do you do when you have a grievance against someone?
2. Are you usually able to tell when something or someone is a sham?
3. Do you know when your hometown was founded?
4. Do you ever get huffy about anything?
5. Which would you guess was heavier – a stack of ten average-sized books or a stack of 50 long-

    playing records?

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