Page 174 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 174

succinct [adj.]clearly expressed in a few words

               News reporters like to interview Senator Moore because his answers to their
               questions are always honest and succinct.


       The oldest magazine in the United States still being published is the Saturday Evening
Post, founded by Benjamin Franklin in the eighteenth century. For more than 200 years it has
provided enjoyable reading for the American public.

       Between 1899 and 1936, the editor-in-chief of this periodical was George Horace Lorimer
(1867-1937). Many stories were submitted to Lorimer, who was obliged to reject many more than
he accepted.

       During his early days as editor, Lorimer did much of the reading of unsolicited stories.
This meant endless hours of sitting at the desk, poring over big stacks of manuscripts, trying to
ascertain which were worthy or publication and which were not. Lorimer became expert at
making these decisions.

       One day he received a huffy letter from a would-be writer who had a grievance. "Last week
you rejected my story," she wrote. "I am positive you did not read it. Because, as a test, I pasted
together pages 14, 15, and 16. The manuscript came back with the pages still pasted. It is obvious
to me that, in your high-handed manner, you spurn stories without even reading them. There is
no question in my mind but that you are a sham and a disgrace to your profession."

       Lorimer's reply was succinct: "Madam, at breakfast when I crack open an egg. I don't have
to eat whole egg to know it is bad."


       Student 1 asked a question or makes a statement. Student 2 answers the question or makes
a related statement, using one of the new words in this lesson.

1. STUDENT 1: When was this company established?

   STUDENT 2: -------------------------------------------------------

2. STUDENT 1: Jerry studies hard every night, doesn't he?

   STUDENT 2: -------------------------------------------------------

3. STUDENT 1: Do the students have real cause for complaint against the university?

   STUDENT 2: --------------------------------------------------------

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