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P. 169
Lost Dog
Definitions of New Words
Accolade [n.] approval, praise
sequel [n.]
dingy [adj.] Actress Irene Dorwin's role in Moon Over Savannah is the best of her career
issue [n.] and won the accolades of the movie critics.
offhand [adv.]
misgiving [n.] a continuation [anything that follows); a book that is complete in itself
slouch [v.] but continues the story of a previous book
doodle [v.]
The movie doctor Karloff was such a hit that the producers gave the public a
sequel entitled The Return of Doctor Karloff.
dirty, dark, and cheerless
He used to be one of Hollywood's top stars, but now he lives alone in a dingy
hotel down near the waterfront.
a single printing, an edition, of a newspaper or magazine; [v.] to issue –
to come out or go out; to distribute
Have you seen the February issue of New Yorker magazine?
immediately, without preparation or forethought; [adj.] unprepared,
without forethought
I can't tell you offhand what the ingredients are for that cake, but I'll phone
you when I get home and have looked in my recipe book.
[usually used in plural] a feeling of doubt or suspicion
Mrs. Emory had misgivings about letting her daughter go on a weekend
camping trip with her friends, but Mr. Emory assured his wife that the children
would be all right.
to sit, stand, or move in a lazy, relaxed way, letting the shoulders hang
down; [n.] a slouch – a lazy, relaxed posture
Geraldine, don't slouch! Stand up straight.
to draw meaningless pictures or designs absentmindedly'[n.] a doodle– a
meaningless drawing