Page 168 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 168

5. Jane has an even disposition but Clara is very ------------ .
6. Jane believes that life is wonderful, but Clara says that life is ---------------------------------.
7. Jane is always ------------ her friends affectionately; Clara doesn't like to get too close to other

8. when she has an especially difficult hob to do, Jane ----------- up courage and does it; Clara

   doesn't even try.
9. Jane has great hope for the world, but Clara is always filled with --------------- when she thinks

   about the future.
10. Jane feels ----------------- to her parents for all their help when she was a child; Clara claims

      that her parents never did anything for her.
Questions for Discussion:
1. How do you earn your livelihood, or, if you are not working, how would you like to?
2. Are you a moody person?
3. Do you feel beholden to others?
4. do you think life is grim, or are you an optimist?
5. What do you do when someone upbraids you?

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