Page 162 - لغة أجنبية أولى (4)
P. 162

While strolling along Maple Street one morning, I ran into my old friend, Ben

swelter (v.)  to be affected by extreme heat

              Will somebody please open a window?

              There's no air in this room, and we're all sweltering.

verge (n.)    the point beyond which an action, state, or condition is apt to occur; the
              edge, margin {often used in the expression: on the verge of}; (v.) to verge-
              to come near the limit.

              Charlotte has been extremely tense and nervous these past few weeks. I think
              Charlotte is on the verge of a breakdown.


       It would not be amiss to say that Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) is already recognized as
the topmost physicist of the twentieth century. Einstein's theory of relativity, forerunner of the
atomic age, has revolutionized scientific thinking throughout the entire world. But because of its
complexity, it has been understood by only a handful of people.

       Once, at a social gathering at Princeton, which is where Einstein made his home, the
physicist was asked by his hostess, speaking on behalf of her other guests, to explain his theory:
"I realize it's very complicated, but perhaps you could give us the gist o it."

       The complaisant physicist said that he could best divulge his theory by telling a story. The
guests clustered around to listen.

       "I was once strolling in the country with a friend who was blind," said Einstein. "It was an
extremely hot day, and my friend and I both were sweltering under the direct rays of the sun. I
suggested that a drink of fresh milk might cool us off.

"'Milk?' said my friend. 'drink I know, but what is mill?'

"'A white liquid,' I told him.

"'Liquid I know, but what is a swan?'

"'The color of a swan's feathers.'

"'Feathers I know, but what is crooked"?

"'A bird with a crooked neck.'

"'Neck I known, but what is crooked?'

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