Page 11 - The EAGLE Way Final Second Edition June 2022
P. 11


                  Integrity is the willingness and                   expect a harmonious culture

                  ability to act with honesty,                       where everyone, irrespective of

                  transparency and consistency                       their role or position, believes in
                  in every business activity. It                     our values and applies the same

                  is doing the right thing, even                     moral code across all activities.

                  when nobody is looking.                            This includes treating everyone,

                  Integrity motivates, cajoles, and                  internally and externally, with

                  disciplines to achieve unity of                    respect, courtesy and dignity;
                  purpose based on honesty and                       honesty in all transactions;

                  trust. It is the same attitude and                 admitting mistakes as well

                  behavior behind closed doors                       as successes; building and
                  as with clients and external                       maintaining trust; and honoring

                  stakeholders.                                      all commitments.

                  EAGLE applies the same moral

                  principles across all divisions and

                  business practices, both internal
                  and external. We create and

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