Page 13 - The EAGLE Way Final Second Edition June 2022
P. 13
Leaders, in the EAGLE context, are needs of all stakeholders,
managers, staff and contractors persevere when things go wrong,
who are responsible, self- and promote and support the
aware, proactive, decisive, fair, work of others for the common
enthusiastic, knowledgeable, EAGLE good.
creative, and empathetic. They
Externally, EAGLE provides
are motivators, mentors, and
leadership in the certification
pathfinders and are found in
industry by working actively to
all divisions and sections of our
improve the direction, activities,
and credibility of the industry
Internally, everyone understands at a national and international
their own strengths and limitations, level. In the communities in which
treat others equally and fairly, and EAGLE operates, we promote
motivate their colleagues towards social and environmental
a common goal. They encourage responsibility with community
innovation, continuous focus. Leadership is encouraged
improvement and create a and celebrated in every aspect
progressive learning environment. of our business.
They acknowledge the emotional
11 The EAGLE Way