Page 9 - The EAGLE Way Final Second Edition June 2022
P. 9
Every individual at EAGLE has a Teamwork is not a separate
voice that is heard, intelligence interest. It is inherent in all
that is utilized, skills that are processes and activities, with
enabled and personal ambitions teams working cross-functionally
that are encouraged. These and interdependently for the
traits contribute positively to common good.
our business performance. We
EAGLE is a family and cares for
respect and recognize their
the health and welfare of each
contributions, treat everyone
family member. We encourage
fairly and equitably and support
their ongoing education and
both positive and constructive
skill development and celebrate
their achievements. EAGLE
EAGLE empowers people to supports the roles that each
work collaboratively, creating person plays within their own
a synergy where combined family and community, and
outputs are greater than strives to achieve a meaningful
the sum of individual efforts. balance between work, family,
community, and self.
7 The EAGLE Way