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All Ireland Supply Chain - Brexit Event
On Wednesday 24 January the All Ireland Supply Chain - Brexit Event was held in
Ballymascanlon House Hotel, Dundalk. BREXIT EVENT
Left to Right: Pamela Dennison, Anne Lanigan, Mick Curran, Helen Noble, Neil McDonnell, Phonsey Croke
The event was jointly run by CILT Ireland and the UK presentation gave the audience an enlightened perspective
Northern Ireland Section who both understand the need to for the many businesses who attended who are in similar
work collaboratively on important national matters. On the sized businesses.
day, 140 members, stakeholders including individuals from
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and the HSA, as
well as masters students from NITL in DIT attended the
seminar. The afternoon had many high-profile speakers who
gave their time to give insights and information to attendees.
Delegates attending the All Ireland Supply Chain event.
First to speak was CILT Ireland President Helen Noble FCILT
who welcomed the congregation, her first as President. This
followed by Northern Ireland Officer Pamela Dennison who
spoke about the situation from her sections point of view
and what this will mean to the wider European Union and
Britain. Both individuals set the scene for what is an
incredibly complex situation that Ireland is facing.
The afternoon presentations then followed by industry Helen Noble FCILT opening the event.
experts began with Neil McDonnell, CEO of ISME. Neil spoke
about the implications of how Brexit may have on Small and Next to speak was Anne Lanigan, Manager of the Brexit Unit
Medium Sized Businesses in Ireland. His insightful in Enterprise Ireland. Anne gave an all-round presentation
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport 29