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suppliers in countries such as UAE or China. Following the   may lead to difficulties at border crossings, it also leads to
            initial sea journey, it is from the bond port in Mombasa in   risks from bandits and paramilitary groups. The appraisal and
            Kenya onwards that difficulties may start to arise. The   treatment of these risks is the responsibility of the contractor.
            inbound inventory must first clear Kenyan customs before
            being loaded onto trucks. Entry into Kenya can sometimes   Aside from the security risks within the country, there are
            suffer significant delays, even with the best efforts of local   also serious infrastructural problems. Very few roads in South
            clearing agents to smooth the process.             Sudan are paved, which can lead to mechanical problems in
                                                               the trucks, resulting in more time delays. Poor road safety
                                                               practices are also a problem. Some local drivers have little
                                                               regard for even basic road safety norms. Livestock on the
                                                               roads is another hazard that drivers frequently face. Many of
                                                               the roads on the route are very narrow and some disappear
                                                               altogether during the rainy season. So, the next time you are
                                                               cursing rush hour on the M50, spare a though for these
                                                               drivers heading for Juba!

                                                               Following the journey from Mombasa to Juba, the inventory
                                                               will be unloaded from the trucks and manifested in the UN
              Boggy roads in South Sudan cause serious logistical problems.
                                                               storage facilities. Juba contains the UNMISS’s primary
                                                               logistics hub and is the point from which inventory is
            Following customs clearance, an UNMISS contracted   shipped to the various regional outposts. Many of the goods
            haulage/logistics contractor (often 2PL or 3PL in SCM speak!)   arriving in Juba are forwarded on to other regional outposts,
            will collect the goods and begin the journey from Mombasa   including Wau, South Sudan’s second city, in the north west
            to Juba. This is a journey of almost 1,600 kilometres with two   of the country and Torit in Eastern Equatoria state. Much of
            international frontiers – Kenya to Uganda and Uganda to   the difficulties associated with the journey from the Kenyan
            South Sudan. While there are security risks associated with   border to Juba are the same as those associated with these
            the journey from the Kenyan border to Juba, dealing with   journeys.  Security for these trips is provided by UNMISS,
            these security risks is the responsibility of the logistics   using its own contingent troops. The storing of goods is
            company.                                           generally not a problem as they will be within base and
                                                               protected by contingent troops.

                                                               CDGA Consultants continue to provide training and advice
                                                               on all aspects of Logistics and Supply Chain Management  to
                                                               UNMISS to facilitate the efficient and effective flow and
                                                               storage of goods, services and related information to and
                                                               within the region. At the time of writing, a team from their
                                                               Cork base will have arrived in Juba in early February 2018.

                                                               See for more information.

              Personnel arriving on deployment.

              Overturned vehicle with UNMISS troops in support.

            Whatever difficulties were encountered in the port of
            Mombasa, these will be amplified at the border crossing into
            South Sudan. Due to South Sudan being a young country
            (the world’s youngest in fact) and having been ravaged by
            lengthy independence wars, followed by a number of
            outbreaks of civil war, many of governmental structures that
            we take for granted are not yet firmly established. While this   United Nations Logistical Training

           24 The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport
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