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4. Gather information about the source and chain of done, there is always a chance of human error or fraudulent
custody of the imports in question. manipulation. If the eggs were contaminated by salmonella it
5. Identify and assess the risks of adverse human rights would be possible to trace back the location of the potential
impacts in their supply chains. contamination and also to identify to what retailers and
6. Make annual public disclosures about their supply chain potentially which consumers are potentially impacted, all
due diligence policies and procedures relating to through EggChain. BLOCKCHAIN
responsible sourcing.
For a successful blockchain implementation, such as
A Hypothetical example to Chain it all Together EggChain, we will note that it is essential to:
In order to demonstrate how blockchain may be used in 1. Foster a great degree of cooperation among supply
logistics with due consideration given to various regulation, chain trading partners from end to end; a successful
we will use the example of food supplies. Let’s think of blockchain implementation does rely on interoperability
perishable food, with an expiry date such as eggs. For this and collaboration.
paper exercise we propose a blockchain called EggsChain 2. Ensure that control is exerted by an external legal
which ensures full transparency of the egg supply chain from authority over the authenticity of the content of
farm to fork, from hen to omelette. As eggs move from transactions in the blockchain implementation. For
producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer, the data that example, legal entities play a key role in the Spanish
accompanies their progress is written to the EggChain “Red Alastria Consortium”, a multisector Spanish
blockchain. blockchain network established in 2017 for developing
projects and providing services which has all the
When eggs are produced they are readied for shipment and required identification guarantees and will also comply
data such as production date, expiry date, and producer with current legislation on data protection (Puig, 2017).
name is printed on the egg carton and simultaneously
recorded in the EggChain. Conclusion
It is clear from past experience the rapid development of new
Documents related to the health and safety and licensing of technologies leaves legislators playing catch up and as
the production facility and test results pertaining to the blockchain seeps into the wider world, there no doubt will be
presence for bacteria, pesticides, or parasites are required by legislative challenges on its governance and use along the
the wholesaler. These documents are also recorded in the way. Proper advice on these and all other technical issues are
EggChain. of course, a must.
In this hypothetical case, the letter of credit facilitates Ignacio López del Moral is a blockchain expert and business
payments and provides security because it allows for the consultant with Spanish firm Everis.
verification of the duties of compliance. Therefore, once the
producer has demonstrated that he has shipped the eggs The author acknowledges and thanks colleagues in ESP, CILT
stipulated in the contract, he can receive payment. The and Everis for all their assistance. For further details contact
contract itself is a Smart Contract that has been stipulated Ignacio Lopéz del Moral, Everis.
when the relationship was first set up, and the EggChain
triggers payment when the contract conditions are met. A full bibliography on this article can be found at
Even when documents (such as the bill of lading, the invoice
or the inspection certificate) prove that everything has been
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport 19