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self-confidence as a presenter. With case studies on the day Fleet Manager Compliance Awareness
that allow you to prepare your own presentation. Aimed at managers and supervisors involved with transport
• Location: Dublin operations in both private and public sector giving an
• Price: €85.00 per person overview of the road haulage operator licensing system and
• Duration: One day: 09:45 to 16:00 highlighting employers’ and drivers’ responsibilities.
• Dates: Friday 11 May or Friday 28 September • Location: Dublin or Cork CPD COURSES
• Price: €200.00 per person
Collision Investigation Reporting • Duration: One day: 09:30 to 16:00
The training day will help participants understand the causes • Dates: Tuesday 13 March Dublin, Tuesday 10 April
of collisions and put systems in place to prevent them. The Dublin, Tuesday 15 May Dublin, Tuesday 22 May Cork,
course will cover collision scene examination principles and Tuesday 12 June Dublin
techniques, witness and driver interview techniques,
investigation report writing and forensic awareness with real Management of EU Drivers Hours, Working Time
case scenarios. Rules & Records
• Location: Dublin This training course is designed to help Managers,
• Price: €350.00 per person Supervisors and administrative staff understand the driving
• Duration: One day and working time rules that govern commercial/passenger
• Dates: Friday 18 May or Friday 14 September vehicle drivers. It explains the rules regarding driving time,
break and rest periods.
• Location: Dublin or Cork
• Price: €150.00 per person
• Duration: One day: 09:30 to 15:30
• Dates: Thursday 22 March Dublin, Thursday 19 April
Dublin, Thursday 26 April Cork, Thursday 17 May Dublin,
Thursday 21 June Dublin
Managing Supply Chain Efficiency
Understand the evolution of supply chain management
methods and how to gain competitive advantage through
these techniques. The course covers many aspects such as For more information and to
supply chain integration procurement to the end user, book please email:
warehouse management, road transport management, or call
customer service and integrated marketing strategies, ICT Eileen Corry 01 676 3188
business development using the Internet, developing
employee excellence, and the legal & financial implications of See our website
supply chain management. for more details
• Location: Dublin
• Price: €150.00 per person
• Duration: One day
• Dates: Wednesday 13 June or Wednesday 13 November
Inventory & Warehouse Management
Gain a greater understanding of purchasing, stores and
materials management covering areas of policies and
procedures, techniques for stores management, ABC analysis,
methods of waste elimination, JIT, benchmarking, CM and
the key areas of customer service, customer retention, time
pressures in the supply chain and distribution channels.
• Location: Dublin
• Price: €275.00 per person
• Duration: Two days
• Dates: Wednesday 9 & Thursday 10 May or Wednesday
16 & Thursday 17 October
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport 37