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CILT Ireland Celebrates 65 Years

            in Existence

            The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport recently celebrated its 65th
            birthday on 11 December 2017.


                                                                                       CIE Club, Earl Place
            According to the CIE Staff Newspaper (The Link 19 December   made to hold monthly meetings, commencing in January, at
            1952): "At a meeting of members and graduates of the   which prominent speakers will deliver lectures on transport
            Institute of Transport held in Jury's Hotel on Thursday 11th   subjects."
            December, it was announced that sanction of the Council
            had been received for the formation of an Irish Section.”  In The Link issue of 6 March 1953 stated "The Irish Section of
            Election of officers and committee then took place, and the   the Institute of Transport, which was formed in December
            following were elected:                            last, will hold its inaugural meeting in the Institution of Civil
                                                               Engineers of Ireland in Dawson Street, Dublin, on Thursday
            Chairman: T C Courtney (Chairman of CIE)           next. Guest speaker will be the President of the Institute, Mr
                                                               C T Brunner, General Manager and Director, Shell-Mex BP Ltd.
            Vice-Presidents: George B Howden (GM GNR & CIE) & Frank   Arranged for April 7 is a lecture on "The Port of Dublin" by
            Lemass (Chief Officer CIE)                         Dublin Port and Docks Board Harbour Master Commander
                                                               AJ O'Brien-Twohig, while Mr M Stuart Shaw, Assistant General
            Secretary: R L F Woodhouse (Guinness)              Manager of Aer Lingus, will speak at the monthly meeting in
                                                               May on Air Transport."
            Treasurer: J O’Leary (CIE retired)
                                                               The meetings then moved to the CIE Club in Earl Place,
            Committee: David Stewart (Traffic Manager CIE),    behind Clery's Department Store, and this remained the
            Commander A J O’Brien-Twohig (Dublin Port & Docks Board),   venue into the 1980s. Unfortunately The Link ceased
            M Stuart-Shaw (AGM Aer Lingus), W J Gleeson (ESB), T F Brazil   publication in May 1953 and unfortunately we in CILT Head
            (retired Commercial Manager CIE), P T Sheridan (CIE), J H   Quarters have no further details of any other meetings at
            Scott (Odlums & former GM Grand Canal Co), Professor W H   that time.
            Prendergast (UCG).
                                                               Many thanks to Cyril McIntyre for this piece. If any of our
            As with our current day seminars and events things were   readers have further information on The Link please do get in
            quite similar, as they were then. “Arrangements are being   contact.

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