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Southern Section Event: Health &
Wellbeing in the Workplace
In association with Psyched, IBEC and Everyday Nutrition, Fitness & Wellbeing, the CORK WORKSHOP
CILT Southern Section held another great event on Tuesday 20 March in Cork. Hosted
by CILT Southern Section Chairperson Raymond Crowley CMILT, the topic for the
evening was Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace.
Raymond Crowley opening the event to attendees
Raymond opened the evening outlining the benefits to Eleanor Lawless and John Lynch
companies of having a proactive Health & Wellbeing policy. performance and outlined some of the inhibitors that
As the Logistics, Transport and Supply Chain sectors become constrain peoples’ beliefs in themselves. By undertaking
ever more competitive, businesses are citing absenteeism, passive, cardiovascular and resistance exercises two to three
staff retention and employee engagement, as the major times per week, coupled with improved nutrition, everyone
goals for their HR departments. Encouraging Health & can commence the journey towards a healthier life.
Wellbeing in workplace, taps into this valuable existing
resource, to increase productivity and create competitive The final speaker, was Karen Hilliard the KeepWell Mark
advantage. Manager at Ibec. With fourteen years’ experience in HR and
Occupational Health and an MSc in Workplace Health and
The first speaker of the evening was Daniel Flynn, a Clinical Wellbeing Karen is passionate about health and wellbeing.
Psychologist and Principal Psychology Manager. Daniel is also The KeepWell mark allows businesses to promote their
the originator of the PSYCHED initiative, which promotes commitment to Health and Wellbeing within the workplace.
mental health awareness in the workplace. PSYCHED is part
of Cork Healthy City campaign, in association with Health There followed a short Q&A session then the speakers were
2020 a European policy framework and strategy for the 21st presented with a CILT Cross Pen in thanks and recognition for
century. Outlining that one in four Irish people will use use a their time. On behalf of the CILT, Raymond thanked all those
mental health service at some stage of their lives, Daniel who attended and the speakers for their time and
spoke about the unwarranted stigma that surrounds it. engagement.
Employees spend one third of their day or 1,879 hours each
year at work, and therefore the workplace can play a big part Due to the work the Southern Section have been doing to
in a person’s mental health. encourage conversations around mental health they have
been Awarded a Certificate of Recognition for their
The second speaker was Niall O’Callaghan, a Health & Activities in Promoting Mental Wellbeing. This certificate
Wellbeing Consultant with Everyday Nutrition Fitness & will be awarded by The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Tony
Wellbeing which provide solutions to businesses of all sizes Fitzgerald in Cork City Hall on Wednesday 28 March. Well
in all aspects of Corporate Wellbeing. Niall gave practical done to all those involved.
examples of the benefits of Nutrition and Fitness to worker’s
If you would like to know more about this article, or the
Southern Section please email
Niall O’Callaghan, Karen Hilliard and Grainne Lynch Mick Curran, Gerard Deegan, Harry Kerrigan and Noel Bishop
All photos by John Sheehan Photography.
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport 39