Page 11 - GP Fall 2024
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always feeling or frequently feeling physi-  gers.   The data suggests that work-related  ulum. A study by Stark et al. that evaluated
      cally or emotionally exhausted, and 26 per-  stress may  lead  to  burnout.  The  study re-  the self-care behaviors of nursing students
      cent  were  dealing  with  physical  ailments  ported that a majority of the respondents felt  and other health professionals, showed sig-
      such as headaches and back pain, with back  that having more time for self-care activities  nificant increase in health behaviors among
      aches frequently most reported.  Other fac-  and improved work conditions would be  the students when receiving  curricular  in-
      tors leading to stress were associated with  beneficial stress reduction interventions. 7  tervention.  Some stress management com-
      dealing with uncooperative patients, work-                                 ponents  suggested  to  be  incorporated  into
      load, government interventions and the con-  Another study of 848 dental hygienists find-  the dental curriculum include financial and
      stant drive for technical perfection.  Some of  ings suggests that work overload, anxiety,  business management,  interpersonal  skills
      the reasons for the stressors include working  depression, and emotional  stress all  have  and communication skills, management of
      in a small confined work area in terms of  an effect  on job satisfaction,  with physi-  difficult  patients,  stress  management  tech-
      the physical space as well as working in the  cal stress related to leaving the profession  niques, interviewing skills and effective lis-
      small oral cavity space.  Long hours of sit-  in one year.  The study also suggested that  tening skills.  Encouraging dental hygiene
      ting with a lack of movement during the day  hygienists become emotionally upset about  students to eat healthier diets low in sugar
      and  using  precise,  slow hand  movements  their work, become emotionally  involved  and fats and to add physical  activity  can
      with a fixed eye on a specific spot also con-  and feel an emotional burden.  Like dentists,  help manage stress. 9
      tributed to stress.  Having high standards of  hygienists feel a strong sense of responsi-
      performance and high expectations can also  bility and professionalism to their patients,  Managing Stress
      lead  to stress.  Dental  team  stress is also  which can lead to occupational stress.  Self-  The stressors  associated with the dental
      problematic, especially among dental assis-  care interventions are needed to help den-  health profession are not going to change.
      tants who work closely with dentists. Poor  tists and dental  hygiene  professionals de-  Therefore, it is important for dental profes-
      communication and perception of each oth-  crease emotional demands of the workplace.  sionals to learn  stress management  tech-
      er’s stress, role ambiguity, underuse of skills                            niques for better mental and physical health,
      and low self-esteem among dental assistants   Like the studies looking at dentists, there are  thus improving their quality of life.
      are also contributing factors .       limitations due to the small sample size of
                                            respondents and limited studies. More stud-  Self-Care
      Burnout  and Stress  Among  Dental Hy-  ies on a larger scale are needed to study the  By implementing good self-care behaviors,
      gienists                              effects of stress and anxiety on dental pro-  dental  professionals  can  find  that  dealing
      Burnout and stress are  also concerns for  fessionals. The limited studies do show an  with stress is a lot more manageable. Below
      dental  hygienists.  A study conducted  20  association  between the  dental  workplace  are good self-care behaviors to adapt:
      years ago by Deckard and Roundtree focus-  environment and stress, but more research
      ing on burnout, reported respondents feeling  needs to be done.             1.  Eat more fruits and vegetables, lean
      emotionally  exhausted,  experiencing  high                                    proteins, whole grains, and low-fat or
      levels of depersonalization, and having neg-  Dental and Dental Hygiene Students  no-fat dairy. Limit unhealthy fats, salt,
      ative feelings about their daily tasks.  More   Stress does not begin once individuals enter   and added sugars. A healthy  diet can
      recent  studies  show hygienists  have  occu-  the workforce; it starts in dental and dental   reduce  inflammation  in  the  body  and
      pational stress related to lack of autonomy   hygiene  school. Any licensed  professional   bolster  the  immune system.  Foods
      and decision-making in the workplace.  Hy-  knows and  understands  that  the  rigors  of   high in sugar can leave a person feeling
      gienists with lower levels of autonomy and   these programs are incredibly stressful and   bloated, tired, and sluggish. 10
      struggling to identify professional roles had   can have a negative impact on the mental
      more burnout.  Other factors contributing to   and physical  health  of the students.  The   2.  Get  enough sleep.  Most adults need
      burnout include, demanding schedules and   most significant stressors include academic   seven or more hours of sleep each
      patients, lack of time, and musculoskeletal   performance in didactic and clinical cours-  night. Adequate sleep each night can
      complaints.  Musculoskeletal problems are   es, general workload, patient  care, and li-  help  avoid  the stressors that  occur
      a main reason for dental hygienists reducing   censing exams, which affect the quality of   when an individual  is  sleep  deprived.
      worktime. Missed time from work can lead   life of individuals.   Adding to that are work   Those  stressors  include  deficient  per-
      to loss of income creating stress. Sick leave   demands,  family  and  social  obligations.    formance,  difficulty  thinking  clearly,
      among hygienists has been shown to be sig-  Two  studies  conducted  in  the  UK  found   and lack of energy. Adequate sleep can
      nificantly higher  for hygienists with muscu-  a high proportion of dental  students and   help to reduce anxiety and depression.
      loskeletal disorders.  Work-family overload    young dentists drank excessively and exper-  3.  Regular exercise can help reduce stress
      are also contributing factors.  Other stress-  imented with illicit drugs. In the final year   because it reduces stress hormones
      ors include wanting to provide high quality   of dental training 67 percent of the dental   such  as adrenaline  and  cortisol.   Ex-
      preventive oral health care to patients with   students had experienced possible patholog-  ercise can stimulate the production of
      the  least  amount  of pain  in  a fast-paced   ical  anxiety.  Concerns  about  the  stress of   endorphins, chemicals in the brain re-
      work environment.   Hygienists report lack   the educational programs are leading to ex-  sponsible for “runner’s high” and feel-
      of support from co-workers, low job satis-  haustion, anxiety, and burnout even before   ings of relaxation and optimism. 12
      faction, no breaks during the day, and anx-  entering the workforce. The educational de-
      iety from role competition with dentists as   mands are leading students to neglect self-  4.  Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol
      contributors.  A recent study among mem-  care. This neglect can lead to stress-related   can leave the body dehydrated and act
      bers of the Oregon Dental  Hygienists As-  illnesses, including digestive disorders, de-  as a depressant.   Alcohol should be
      sociation (ODHA) on the effects of stress,   creased immunity, sleep issues, depression,   limited to two drinks or less a day for
      identified that half of the 83 respondents re-  headaches, irritability, and anger. 9  men and one drink or less for women. 13
      ported moderate levels of daily stress, with
      lack of time in the schedule, physical pain   Educational programs need to consider in-
      and neediness of patients as common trig-  corporating self-care into the course curric- l Fall 2024 l GP 11
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