Page 12 - GP Fall 2024
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5. Avoid the use of illegal or prescription and create a clear schedule to tices Among Dental Hygienists. Am Dent
drugs. avoid last-minute rushes. Hyg Assoc. 2020;94(4):22-28.
b. Use practice management soft- 8. Malcolm N, Boyd L, Giblin-Scanlon L,
6. Avoid smoking. ware to streamline tasks. Vineyard J. Occupational stressors of den-
tal hygienists in the United States. Work.
2020;65(3):517-524. doi:10.3233/WOR-
7. Breathing exercises can help the body 3. Patient Centered Care 203106.
to relax by replacing shallow rapid a. Focus on the patient’s well-being 9. Krasniqi L, Boyd LD, Giblin-Scanlon L,
breathing associated with stress and to find motivation and improve Vineyard J. Self-Care Practices of Dental
producing slow, regular breathing, a job satisfaction. Hygiene Students. 2021;95(1).
sign of relaxation. How breathing b. Encourage more engagement 10. St KRNC 151 WL, Collins S 1400 8022
exercises work : with patients and employ good CDF. Tips for Healthy Eating to Help
a. Breath in slowly and deeply, listening skills. Manage Stress. Kendall Reagan Nutrition
Center. Accessed June 13, 2024. https://
pushing your stomach out so that
your diaphragm is put to maxi- 4. Stress-Reduction Techniques ly-blog/tips-for-healthy-eating-to-help-
mal use. a. Provide stress reducing tech- manage-stress/
b. Hold your breath briefly. niques, such as breathing tech- 11. 8 Health Benefits of Sleep. Sleep Foun-
c. Exhale slowly, thinking “relax”. niques and meditation during dation. Published April 14, 2022. Ac-
d. Repeat the entire sequence 5 to 10 breaks. cessed June 13, 2024. https://www.
times, concentrating on breathing b. Provide a comfortable staff room
deeply and slowly. where members relax and re- 12. Exercising to Relax - Harvard Health Pub-
charge. lishing. Harvard Health. Published Feb-
8. Meditation can help by slowing the ruary 1, 2011. Accessed June 13, 2024.
heart rate, lowering blood pressure, Conclusion
and reducing the breathing rate. Set- Being able to manage stress in the dental ing-healthy/exercising-to-relax.
ting aside time each day for quiet and environment is crucial to the longevity of 13. Coping with Stress. Published May 21,
meditation can be beneficial in times the dental workforce. Whether as a student 2024. Accessed June 13, 2024. https://
of stress. or a practitioner, it is important to under-
stand how stress and anxiety affect the 14. Herman SB. Stress Management in Den-
9. Talk to others you trust about how you mental and physical health of individuals. tal Offices: Essential Techniques for a
are feeling. People often feel awkward As those tasked with the responsibility of Healthier Work Environment. Dentistry
or uncomfortable sharing with others. improving the oral health of patients, we Support. Published November 2, 2023.
Talking to someone you trust or to a need to not neglect our own self-care. More Accessed June 15, 2024. https://www.
professional can be helpful. research is needed on this topic since the
limited studies with smaller sample sizes agement-in-dental-offices-essential-tech-
10. Connect with people outside of work show a need for concern. Introducing stress niques-for-a-healthier-work-environment.
in a community or faith-based orga- management into the course curriculum of
nization. Find time to unwind and dental and dental hygiene programs is a Audra E. Haynes is
remove yourself from the source of proactive measure to start addressing the an Assistant Profes-
stress. needs before entering the workforce. sor in the Department
of Dental Hygiene at
Managing Stress in The Dental Environment References: New York City College
As important as it is for self-care to man- 1. About Mental Health. Published May 20, of Technology (CUNY).
age stress, it is just as important to man- 2024. Accessed June 4, 2024. https://www. She is a Radiology Co-
age stress in the workplace. Dental profes- ordinator and clinical
sionals spend a significant amount of time 2. Mental Health in the Workplace. Published instructor for both freshman and se-
working in stressful environments. The fol- May 5, 2021. Accessed February 15, 2024. nior dental hygiene students. She is an
lowing techniques can help create a better motion/tools-resources/workplace-health/ active member of the American Dental
work environment : mental-health/index.html. Hygienists Association (ADHA) and is
3. Layard R. Why We Should Spend the faculty advisor for SADHA at New
1. Team Communication and Collaboration More on Mental Health. Am J Med York City College of Technology. She is
a. Create an environment of open Res. 2016;3(1):188-206. doi:10.22381/ the current president of the New York
communication where team ajmr3120167. City Dental Hygienists Association (NY-
members can discuss challenges, 4. Stress. Accessed June 4, 2024. https:// CDHA) and has been their educational
share ideas, and collaborate. 5. chairperson since 2018. She has spent
Yansane A, Tokede O, Walji M, et al.
b. Encourage support among team Burnout, Engagement, and Dental Er- 30 years as a practicing Public Health
members by assisting each other rors Among U.S. Dentists. J Patient and Pediatric Dental Hygienist. She is
with patient care or administra- Saf. 2021;17(8):e1050. doi:10.1097/ also a dental hygiene examiner for the
tive tasks. PTS.0000000000000673. Commission on Dental Competency As-
6. Rada RE, Johnson-leong C. Stress, burn- sessments and Western Regional Exam-
2. Time Management and Prioritization out, anxiety and depression among dentists. ining Board (CDCA-WREB-CITA). She
a. Have a planned approach to man- J Am Dent Assoc. 2004;135(6):788-794. can be reached at audra.haynes81@
aging time in the office. Prioritize 7. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2004.0279.
Barnard SA, Alexander BA, Lockett AK,
tasks, delegate when necessary, et al. Mental Health and Self-Care Prac- l Fall 2024 l GP 12