Page 13 - GP Fall 2024
P. 13

Exploring Laser Dentistry:
                           A Comprehensive Guide for General Dentists

                                                  Author: Natalia Elson, DDS

        Background:                          data transmission, optical networking, and  do not emit hazardous radiation levels be-
        Dentistry has witnessed remarkable  ad-  developing advanced sensing and imaging  cause the laser is enclosed and inaccessible
        vancements in recent years by integrating  systems. Dentistry embraced laser technol-  during operation or because the emission is
        laser technology  into various procedures.  ogy in the 1980s, primarily for soft tissue  low-power and not likely to cause harm.
        From soft tissue treatments to hard tissue  procedures.
        modifications,  lasers  have  revolutionized                              Class 2: These lasers emit visible radiation
        how dentists approach oral care. For gen-  CO2 and Nd: YAG lasers were among the  in the wavelength range of 400 to 700 nm.
        eral dentists, understanding the basics of  first used in dental practice. Initially, lasers  They are considered safe for accidental ex-
        laser dentistry and its applications is be-  were utilized  for procedures  such as gin-  posure, as the human blink reflex is usually
        coming increasingly essential. This article  givectomy, frenectomy, and periodontal  sufficient to protect the eye. However, in-
        aims to provide a comprehensive overview  treatment, offering advantages such as re-  tentional staring into the beam should still
        of lasers in dentistry, highlighting key con-  duced bleeding and improved patient com-  be avoided.
        cepts and applications relevant to general  fort. The 21st century witnessed significant
        dental practice.                     advancements in laser technology, leading  Class 3R:  Formerly  known as Class  IIIa,
                                             to the development of diode, erbium, and  these low-powered lasers emit visible and
        The  concept  of  lasers  was  first  proposed  other specialized dental lasers. These lasers  near-infrared radiation.  They are consid-
        by physicist Albert Einstein  in 1917, but  expanded the scope of applications in den-  ered  safe under normal  operating condi-
        it wasn’t until 1960 that the first working  tistry to include hard tissue procedures like  tions but may pose a hazard if viewed di-
        laser was developed by physicist Theodore  cavity preparation, caries removal, and root  rectly for extended periods.
        H. Maiman. 1                         canal disinfection.  Laser dentistry has
                                             become an integral part of modern dental   Class 3B: These lasers emit higher power
        This breakthrough paved the way for sig-  practice, with an increasing number of gen-  levels than Class 3R lasers and can pose a
        nificant advancements in various scientific  eral dentists incorporating lasers into their   significant risk of eye injury if viewed di-
        fields,  including  physics,  chemistry,  and  clinical protocols.        rectly. They are also capable of causing skin
        materials science. In the 1960s, lasers be-                               burns and fires. Proper safety precautions,
        gan to find applications in medicine, partic-  The  versatility, precision,  and minimally  including the use of protective eyewear, are
        ularly in ophthalmology. Argon lasers were  invasive  nature  of laser  procedures have  necessary when operating Class 3B lasers.
        used for retinal photocoagulation, revolu-  contributed  to  their  widespread  adoption
        tionizing the treatment of diabetic retinop-  and acceptance among dental professionals   Class 4: These high-power lasers can cause
        athy and other eye conditions. CO2 lasers  and patients alike. By tracing the evolution   severe eye and skin injuries and ignite
        were also introduced during this period and  of lasers from their inception to their inte-  flammable  materials.  They  require  strict
        found useful in surgical procedures due to  gration  into dentistry, it becomes evident   safety measures, including designated la-
        their ability to precisely cut and coagulate  how  this transformative  technology has   ser-controlled  areas, protective eyewear,
        tissues. During the 1970s and 1980s, lasers  revolutionized  various  fields,  including   and operator training.
        became widely utilized in dermatology for  medicine,  manufacturing,  and communi-
        various skin treatments. The development  cation.                         2. By Application in Dentistry
        of ruby lasers  and,  later,  the  Q-switched                             In dentistry, lasers have a wide range of ap-
        lasers enabled the effective removal of tat-   In dentistry, lasers continue  to push the   plications, including:
        toos, birthmarks,  and pigmented  lesions.  boundaries  of what  is possible, offering
        Continuous-wave lasers, such as argon and  new avenues for improved patient care and   Soft  Tissue Procedures:  Lasers are com-
                                                                                  monly used for procedures such as gingi-
        CO2, were also employed  for skin resur-  treatment outcomes. 6           vectomy, frenectomy, crown lengthening,
        facing and scar revision procedures.
                                             Laser Classifications:               and treatment of periodontal disease. They
        Lasers have been extensively adopted in  There are different classifications of lasers:  offer advantages  such as reduced  bleed-
        manufacturing and industrial applications                                 ing, enhanced precision, and faster healing
        for cutting, welding, engraving, and marking   1. By ANSI                 times compared to traditional techniques.
        materials. High-power lasers, including fiber   The  American  National  Standards Insti-  Hard Tissue Modifications: Lasers can be
        lasers and Nd: YAG lasers are used in auto-  tute (ANSI) categorizes lasers into several   used for cavity preparation, caries removal,
        motive, electronics, and aerospace industries   classes based on their potential hazards to   root canal disinfection, and dental implant
        for precision machining and fabrication. 2,3  human health and safety. 7
                                                                                  procedures.  Erbium  lasers, particularly,
        The development of semiconductor lasers    These classes range from Class 1 to Class  are well-suited for these  applications  due
        in the 1980s revolutionized telecommuni-  4, with increasing hazards associated with  to their ability to interact effectively with
        cations and paved the way for the wide-  higher classes:                  dental hard tissues.
        spread  use  of  fiber-optic  communication
        systems. Laser  technology  is crucial  in   Class 1: These  lasers are  considered  safe  Biostimulation: Low-level  laser  therapy
                                             under all conditions of normal  use. They  (LLLT)  or photobiomodulation is  utilized
                                                                             l Fall 2024 l GP 13
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