Page 14 - ActivateHealingPowerWithin
P. 14

Reading,  researching,  studying,  organizing,

               educating, were passions of mine for as long

               as I can remember.

               When I was growing up, we did not have the

               internet, we had books.

               I read more books than any other kid in my
               class.  A  nerd?  Not  quite.  My  life  was

               balanced with outdoor activities and sports.

                                         My grand-father was the
                                         most influential figure in

                                         my  life.  He  guided  me
                                         and  encouraged  me  to

                                         study. Although he only
               had an 8  grade education - he took care of
               his siblings during the war - many subjects

               fascinated him. We spent hours studying a

               huge atlas. He loved to impart his wisdom,
               and I was an eager student.

               He  would  read  into  the  wee  hours  of  the

               morning,  standing  under  the  dim  ceiling
               lamp in his bedroom, lighting one cigarette

               after another.

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