Page 23 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
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Next Steps

                STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                    Member Survey                Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                                &                                                           &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

        Schedule of Events                                                       Summing Up

        Member Informational Sessions ............................................... April 27 – 30, 2015  The Facilities Planning Committee and Board of Government share your passion
        Additional Member Meetings ....................................................May 18 – 19, 2015  for Merion’s traditions, brand, legacy, culture and future. That includes the
                                                                                 preservation of all things that have made Merion so unique and special over
        Video of Informational Sessions & Electronic Booklet                     the last 150 years. The Club has a long history of enacting the right change,
             Available on the MCC Website ....................................................Late May 2015  when necessary, to preserve its heritage and ensure its long-term sustainability.
        Distribute Written Booklet & Opinion Surveys to Members .................. June 2015  Change is never easy; but here at Merion, it has been historically successful

        Survey Results & Recommendations to McMahon Group ............. Late June 2015  because it has always been within the context of our long-term vision and has
                                                                                 always been directed by our members. The most successful clubs, and Merion
        Survey Results Published for Membership .............................................. July 2015
                                                                                 is one, have the highest levels of member engagement within their governance,
        Committee Develops Revised Recommendations for Board .... July – August 2015  mission and strategies. We all have a responsibility and obligation to pass the
        Board Approves Final Voting Proposal ............................ TBD (Expected Fall 2015)  Club to the next generation with the same promising future we inherited from
        Notify Membership & Conduct Vote .............................. TBD (Expected Fall 2015)  past generations.

                                                                                 The Committee, with unanimous support from the Board of Government,
        Opinion Survey                                                           has respectfully submitted this proposed Campus Master Plan for your
                                                                                 review and consideration. It is based on careful consideration of the Club’s
        You are asked to review the proposed Campus Master Plan and provide your   history, its current condition and the investments that are important for
        feedback via the enclosed Opinion Survey. You may also view the video of the   future sustainability. The final Campus Master Plan will be determined by the
        Member Informational Sessions on the website. Once completed, please return   membership as has been done so successfully in the past. Every opinion and
        your survey to McMahon Group using the included postage paid, self-addressed   observation is critical and you are urged to respond to the enclosed Opinion
        envelope. Once all surveys have been returned to McMahon Group, they will   Survey and return it to McMahon Group as soon as possible.
        tabulate and analyze the results. McMahon Group will report the survey results
        back to the Committee and Board. The results will also be published for the
        members. Based on member input from this process, the plans may be adjusted
        before a final plan is presented to the members for a final vote.

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