Page 21 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
P. 21

Costs & Funding Plan

                STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                    Member Survey                Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                                &                                                           &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

        Phase I Cost Breakdown                                                   Funding Sources

        Men’s Locker Room Building Renovation .............................................. $4,400,000  1.  Special Assessment ................................................................... $13,631,549
        Tennis Pavilion Renovation ....................................................................... $400,000  2.  Entrance Fees Increase ............................................................... $1,000,000

        Squash Courts Conversion .................................................................... $1,800,000  3.  Cash Flow from Operations ........................................................ $1,268,451
        Additional Paddle Tennis Court ................................................................ $100,000  TOTAL FUNDS RAISED ......................................................... $15,900,000
        New Tennis Deck & Parking Structure ................................................... $5,600,000
        Paddle Tennis Complex ............................................................................ $300,000 Funding Guiding Principles
        New Aquatics Complex ......................................................................... $2,900,000
                                                                                     1.  Model the Special Assessment on the last special assessment of
        Overnight Accommodations .................................................................... $300,000  June 2007 – March 2010
        Temporary Locker Room Facilities............................................................ $100,000  2.  Spread the Special Assessment over 10 years with a discount for those
        PHASE I TOTAL .............................................................................. $15,900,000  who opt to pay the full amount up front
                                                                                     3.  Young members and Non-Residents would not have to pay the Special
        The above expected costs are total project budgets including construction costs,
        furnishings, fixtures, equipment, professional fees, contingencies and assumed   4.  Minimize the dues increases during the Special Assessment period
        escalation. These figures are used to represent reasonable construction budgets   5.  Increase the entrance fees to share the cost
        based on early conceptual designs and would have to be verified based on
        further design and engineering. The following assumptions were made in
        developing the budgets:

            •  10% construction contingency for all projects except the Men’s Locker
              Room Building where a 15% contingency was applied
            •  Additional 10% project contingency that covers all projects
            •  4% per year escalation assumption
            •  Allowances for furnishings, fixtures and equipment

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