Page 22 - MCC-2014-Booklet-Final
P. 22

Costs & Funding Plan

                STEP 1:                          STEP 2:                       STEP 3:                       STEP 4:                       STEP 5:
             Focus Groups                   Member Survey                 Member Review/                    Final Plan                    Member
                   &                               &                                                            &
             Strategic Plan               Campus Master Plan               Opinion Survey                 Member Vote                     Approval

        Special Assessment

        Expected Net Funds Raised ................................................................. $13,631,549  The table below shows the cost per category for both the upfront and monthly
        This source assesses existing members in certain categories (as shown in the
        table in the next column) and new members joining the Club during the 10-year   Dues                            Monthly  Total 10-Year  10% Discount
        Special Assessment period. Here are the key features of the Special Assessment:  Class  Category                Amount   Assessment    Amount
                                                                                    160    Family Member (70+)            $63      $7,500      $6,750
            1.  There would be a 10% discount available to members who opt to make   160/161 Family Member (41 – 69)     $125     $15,000      $13,500
              the full payment at the beginning of the Special Assessment
            2.  We would provide a 50% discount for members over the age of 70 or   162    Family Member (33 – 40)       $106     $12,750      $11,475
              those who turn 70 during the Special Assessment period                163    Family Member (28 – 32)        $37      $4,450      $4,005
            3.  Young members (age 28 and under) and Non-Residents would not have to   171  House Family (No Athletic) (70+)  $46  $5,500      $4,950
              pay the Special Assessment                                            171    House Family (No Athletic)     $92     $11,000      $9,900
                                                                                    110    Single Member (70+)            $54      $6,500      $5,850
                                                                                  110/111 Single Member (41 – 69)        $108     $13,000      $11,700
                                                                                    112    Single Member (33 – 40)        $93     $11,100      $9,990
                                                                                    113    Single Member (28 – 32)        $33      $3,900      $3,510
                                                                                    121    House Single (No Athletic) (70+)  $38   $4,500      $4,050
                                                                                    121    House Single (No Athletic)     $75      $9,000      $8,100
                                                                                    101    Women Subscriber (70+)         $43      $5,200      $4,680
                                                                                    101    Women Subscriber (33 – 69)     $87     $10,400      $9,360
                                                                                    104    Hse. Women Subscriber (70+)    $31      $3,700      $3,330
                                                                                    104    Hse. Women Subscriber (33 – 69)  $61    $7,300      $6,570

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